A few weeks back, my sister and brother in law had a Caddyshack-themed party, and our good friends Schocholautte (pronounced choc-O-lot) were kind enough to trek out to Long Island and play for us.
I recorded the performance on a Zoom H2 in 4-channel surround sound mode, and downmixed it to binaural stereo using Vortex Zoom Encoder from IMR. Not only is the recording damn impressive for a $180 recorder and no postproduction, but if you listen with headphones, you’ll notice it’s quite immersive. (I could have also used VZE to encode this to DTS 5.1 surround, but I don’t have surround sound on my computer, and I’m guessing you don’t either)
Thanks again to Schocholuatte for coming out and making a great party even better!!!
photo courtesy of Eric Ogden