Need a building? Just add water!
Yup. inflatable concrete insta-shelters.
Shark skin inspires ship’s coating
No more pesky barnacles! (Lampreys, maybe, but no barnacles)
Microsoft wants to watch your kids
Just what every kids needs: a creepy video camera teddy bear that tells them it’s bedtime!
All posts by Sterling Ely
Bluetooth Beware
I love Bluetooth. I can sync my computer’s address book to my phone without so much as taking it out of my pocket, and control iTunes from across the room if I do.
BUT beware, mean spirited geeks (the kind you may have once seen hanging from their underpants in the locker room) have not only figured out how to hack the precious info off your phone, but how to do it from over a mile away! They can even plant fake text messages, and use your phone as a listening device by having it call them. fooey.,1848,64463,00.html
Nanaca Crash!
Squared Circle Mosaic: Giant Peach
Awesome, truly awesome…. This is what has become of the squared circle project on flickr.
Man, that’s some serious destruction. My heart goes out to everyone affected by the tsunami.
Blue Brazil
Olympic Athelete
Amalia lost her marbles…
Backlit Cloud
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My friend Trent took this photo. Pretty fantastic eh? Yeah, he’s got a good eye… that’s why he’s workin on building HDR displays.