Day In, Day Out

Day In, Day Out

This is the DVD cover I made for “Day In, Day Out “, a short film my friends and I made for the 2005 Filmerica Challenge.

Participants in the Filmerica Challenge are given a genre, character, prop, and line of dialog that must be used. They then have 72 hours to make a 5-9 minute movie.

Chaos ensues. We didn’t get much sleep, but it was a great experience, and I don’t think our movie sucks too much, either. 😉

Check it out for yourself: Day In, Day Out

Bluetooth Beware

I love Bluetooth. I can sync my computer’s address book to my phone without so much as taking it out of my pocket, and control iTunes from across the room if I do.
BUT beware, mean spirited geeks (the kind you may have once seen hanging from their underpants in the locker room) have not only figured out how to hack the precious info off your phone, but how to do it from over a mile away! They can even plant fake text messages, and use your phone as a listening device by having it call them. fooey.,1848,64463,00.html

No, I've never been called "Silver" before. Why?