About Local Projects

Local Projects

For the past 2 and a half years, I worked at Local Projects, an award winning New York based design studio. Early on, I had many varied roles, but as LP grew, I settled into my two primary roles there:

3D Artist: Most of LP’s project designs require visualization, both for internal discussions and for client presentations. Using 3D Studio Max, I combined 2D/3D plans from partner architects with our design ideas to produce three dimensional virtual mockups of our intended media installations. Such flythroughs are being used to raise money for the upcoming carousel at Battery Park, and helped win our bid to be the media designers for the National September 11th Museum.

Hardware Designer: Of course, that which we design must also be built, so then it becomes my job to research the necessary components and build the physical implementation of our designs. One of my favorites is the infrared-based camera vision system we devised for the Black Convention of 1834 interactive.

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New biz cards! (or calling cards, whatever)

New biz cards! (or calling cards, whatever)I recently printed up 2 different types of cards: On the left, very minimalist uncoated cards with rounded edges; on the right, double-sided Moo.com mini cards.
I think I generally prefer the Moo cards, though they aren’t quite as practical, as they are half-height and slightly harder to write on. (Also, I made these the day before Moo started allowing custom logos on the text side, so as much as I like the skull, I’d rather use my Ag logo)

Schocholautte: Live from Bushwood

Schocholautte: Live from BushwoodA few weeks back, my sister and brother in law had a Caddyshack-themed party, and our good friends Schocholautte (pronounced choc-O-lot) were kind enough to trek out to Long Island and play for us.

I recorded the performance on a Zoom H2 in 4-channel surround sound mode, and downmixed it to binaural stereo using Vortex Zoom Encoder from IMR. Not only is the recording damn impressive for a $180 recorder and no postproduction, but if you listen with headphones, you’ll notice it’s quite immersive. (I could have also used VZE to encode this to DTS 5.1 surround, but I don’t have surround sound on my computer, and I’m guessing you don’t either)

Thanks again to Schocholuatte for coming out and making a great party even better!!!

photo courtesy of Eric Ogden

Download “Schocholautte: Live from Bushwood”

Testing out streaming surround audio via divShare…

Put on your headphones.

Seriously. Go get them.

Ok, now take a listen to 3L3TRONIC playing at the Robot Heart Bus at Burning Man.

I recorded this using a Zoom H2 velcroed to my shoulder and converted it to binaural stereo using Vortex Zoom Encoder.

This is an unedited clip, hence why you can hear me adjusting the velcro at the beginning as I walk towards the bus. Stick with it, things’ll get more interesting in a sec 🙂

Why binaural stereo (simulated surround) and not true 5.1 channel surround audio you ask? Because I can’t stream full surround, and most likely you can’t play it. (The binaural surround simulation is very effective on (good) headphones, but will just sound like regular stereo when played over your computer speakers) Hear the those intermittent whooshes behind you? Yeah, big fire jets being shot from the latest sculpture by the Flaming Lotus Girls.

Anyway, this was really just a quick post to make sure everything works right. All systems go.

Stay tuned for lots more (edited) surround recordings.

The Nonameyet Theme for WordPress

I created the Nonameyet theme to be simple and modular with a wide area for presenting media, and to teach myself the CSS and PHP involved in creating WordPress themes. User-facing options include custom headers and backgrounds, and with a bit of CSS “find & replace”, the entire site skin and “logo” image can easily be changed. The Nonameyet theme will constantly evolve, as well as be the basis for for future custom sites.

No, I've never been called "Silver" before. Why?